Fall Fair Festivities!

When I was little, anytime a pop-up fair (the ones they put in like Walmart parking lots) came to town I always begged to go! I remember my mom taking me to one on a weekday afternoon after she picked me up from school. It was just the two of us, so she rode a few rides with me. However, after a few too many spins we had to leave because she was so nauseas! I went to the fair last night and realized I may be turning into my mother! Spinning rides have never bothered me, but last night I definitely has a splitting head ache after we left. Then again that may have been a result of the deep fried candy bar that I had! Each year we go to a family reunion in Tennessee on Labor Day weekend and my cousins and I always go to their county fair. To me they symbolize fall and the south, I grew up with it being a tradition. I love the lights, fair food, contest, and rides. I was thinking about it last night and the fair and was curious how much revenue the fair makes for Statesboro. It isn’t exactly cheap and there were so many people there. It made me realize it is not just a fall tradition, but a big money maker for the town. Which made me love it even more!




Mobile Gaming

After reading the article I do not think that is tactic is much different than the McDonalds Monopoly game. That one requires more purchases, but this one requires customers to go in store. I am actually surprised that it is creating as much traffic as it is. For my client, Best Western, this would not be a beneficial tactic. Giving away a trip abroad is perhaps  a sweepstakes would create interest and traffic, but I do not feel that this game would. Hotel rooms are far more expensive than a lunch sandwich, even if it is flatbread, and people have no reason to just stop into a hotel office to check if they have one. I can see where stopping to check if you ticket won and then grabbing a bite to eat would increase revenue. However, someone would not go in to the front desk of a hotel to check to see if their ticket was working and walk out with a booked hotel. This tactic is just simply not practical for high ticket items and services.

Pet Peeves!

Oh, pet peeves…where do I begin? The older I get the more little things seem to bother me. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people start to say something and say “Never mind” or just stop talking midsentence. If you think to start to say something I believe that you should finish it. It is so irritating  when someone gets your attention and involves you in a conversations, but then does not finish what they were saying. Another pet peeve of mine is when people are rude or disrespectful. In my opinion, whether you are upset or not, you can get your point across without being disrespectful. More specifically, it annoys me when people are rude and disrespectful to their elders. Maybe it is because I grew up knowing that if I even looked at my parents or elders the wrong way I would be in trouble, but either way I know how to treat others and those in authority. Another pet peeve is when guys wear their pants below their butt. For one, it cannot be comfortable to walk with a belt or waist band around your thighs. Secondly, you cannot walk properly with your pants that low and third, no one cares to see what God gave you. I work at an apartment complex and I have asked boys to leave the office and come back once they are dressed properly. Luckily, I have a very supportive manager and she fully supports my requests on those occasions. Going along the lines of rudeness, it irks me when people are on the phone when checking out at the store or asking for assistance. There is no reason you cannot wait until you are finished with your conversation or just put the phone down for a bit. It is all about manners people!

Mayhem! Oh, My!

Mayhem commercials are funny and entertaining. I think that giving Mayhem a twitter is definitely a ploy to get more customers or at least create brand awareness, however if it works isn’t that the same thing as genius? O at least great marketing a public relation tactics? I think that this is a great way to interact with existing customer as well as reach new ones. If a Allstate customer sees a funny tweet by Mayhem, or funny vine or instagram picture and shares or retweets the post they are then allowing all of their friends who do not follow Mayhem to see it as well. Tactics like this are wonderful forms of Public Relations because the company is taking something that is cheap or free and allowing the customers and followers to do the work by getting the word out. I do not have an account with Allstate anymore, but I may follow Mayem just because they are some of my favorite commercials. I definitely think this form of pr with catch on and I predict that Flo from Progressive will be the next persona to appear. As for my client, Best Western, they do not have a mascot or theme so they would have to get creative. I honestly do not see it happening, because they honestly already have a hard time maintaining facebook and twitter for the company; let alone another account for their mascot.