For This I Am Thankful!

Each year the ‘kids’ in my family have talent show when the family gets together for Thanksgiving. My brother plays his guitar and my sister players her violin. My cousins do gymnastics and dance so they do a little performance. That being said, I decided to get creative with this post and write the things I am thankful for in a poem…that way I can have a talent this year too 🙂


I’m thankful for my Baby Jeep,

And the cozy bed in which I sleep.

I’m thankful for my families wealth,

and I’m joyful for my own good health.

I’m thankful that in this country I can voice my beliefs,

and I’m thankful for good grades because they’re sure a relief.

I’m thankful that I am successfully living on my own,

but oh how I’m thankful for being able to go home.

I am blessed to be able to pursue a higher education,

but more so blessed that I live in a free nation.

Also, I’m so thankful for a yearly vacation!


I’m thankful for cheerful, daily,  pick me up, text messages,

and some days I’m thankful for thoughtful packages.

I am so very grateful for the greatest event of fall, good Ol’ SEC and SoCon football;

and I’m so thankful the good Lord blessed me with a southern drawl.

I’m thankful I was raised to sing roll tide roll,

but more so that I was raised knowing Jesus saved my soul.

I’m thankful for my Georgia Southern cowboy boots,

and that I was raised with Southern roots.

I’m so blessed to have great roommates and new friends,

and oh how I love knowing Gods love for me is greater than I can even comprehend.

I’m so very thankful for the U.S. troops who serve and protect,

and that soon we can get that dumbie out of office and a new president ‘we the people’ can elect.

My love for babies makes me thankful for my families last three additions,

and I’m joyful about black Friday shopping with Mom, it’s become a yearly tradition.

But most of all this year I am most thankful for my Papaw and his continuous health progress.

This year has been yet another success.

I have so much in which to be thankful. God bless.


     At first I was surprised that 70% of customers have their phones with them while they shop. However, when I think about it, it is not surprising at all. I have my phone with me at all times. It is a slightly pathetic habit, but it is true. I do not know why I need the need to be constantly connected, but I think it is largely influenced by society. I mean, it is not as if people are always trying to get in touch with me; but just the idea of having my phone is comforting. I think it is a subconscious “security blanket”….sad I know! All that to say, yes, I do have my phone with me while I shop. The majority of the time it is because I am texting while I shop. I do use it to look up pinterest recipes though so that I know what ingredients to purchase. If I am shopping for groceries I look through receipts for ideas on what to buy as well. When shopping for close it take pictures of the things I pick out and send to my sister or friends for their opinion on whether or not I should get it.                

     Best Western does not need an “in-store” app. Yet, I do think a booking or check -in app may be beneficial. I searched and found that Best Western does in fact have an app! From what I found it had good reviews as well.  Apps can be very helpful, but in this case many people may not be aware of my clients app. Perhaps they could promote downloading it on their facebook and twitter accounts.

Moms & Social Media

The information in this article was not at all surprising to me. While you would think mothers with small children would have the most to do, they are the ones who are most present on social media and using their smart phones. I have many Facebook friends that are stay at home moms and they are constantly updating their pages and pinterest boards. I have honestly though many times, do they not have laundry to do or something? I understand how online shopping would be more convenient with small children, but social media? I have time for my accounts, because I make time, but I think if I had small children I would be a lot less worried about my status updates and more about running a family and household.

From a business perspective I can see how important it is to reach the popular market. My client, Best Western, does post things on their Facebook and Pinterest pages that are family friendly, but none specifically for moms. I think that since Best Western is a hotel, and in many cases the moms plan the family vacations, it would be beneficial to specifically target moms. They could post trivia questions specifically for moms, do contest, or many other creative attention getting promotion tactics. Best Western could make a board on Pinterest titled ‘Family Fun’ and pin family friendly vacation spots that are close to Best Western locations. That would give moms ideas of places to visit on vacation. Best Western could even possibly try to partner with some of the attractions they pin, giving discounts at the attractions to families who are staying at the Best Western hotel.  




                 Halloween is here and once again college age individuals take what was once a childhood excitement and add a twist to it! Halloween was always fun for me as a child. My Mama made the majority of my costumes and my parents took me to either the Fall Festival at my church or around our neighborhood to trick or treat! I think that my most memorable Halloween was my third grade year. My Daddy had a stroke and open heart surgery the week before so trick or treating was a good way to get my mind off of all the scariness I had seen that week.  I was an Indian that year and my Mama sewed my costume while sitting with my Daddy in the hospital the week prior. My grandparents were staying with us to help take care of my baby brother and me and I remember my Papaw helping my carve my pumpkin and my aunt and Mamaw braiding my hair and painting my face.

                I have not participated in any Halloween events since being in college, except for carving and painting pumpkins. I am a very crafty person with one of the most True Blue spirits so I love the Georgia Southern templates! This year however I just painted my pumpkin which is the picture above. I work at an apartment complex and we painted our logo on a pumpkin and carved the Georgia Southern emblem on it. I think that for teams, school, and other such organizations templates are fun and popular. However, I think if my client, Best Western, posted a template it would be a huge flop! If the company or organization is something people are a part of then I can see it working, but if it is a business that just performs a service no one would be invested enough to show interest.