Moms & Social Media

The information in this article was not at all surprising to me. While you would think mothers with small children would have the most to do, they are the ones who are most present on social media and using their smart phones. I have many Facebook friends that are stay at home moms and they are constantly updating their pages and pinterest boards. I have honestly though many times, do they not have laundry to do or something? I understand how online shopping would be more convenient with small children, but social media? I have time for my accounts, because I make time, but I think if I had small children I would be a lot less worried about my status updates and more about running a family and household.

From a business perspective I can see how important it is to reach the popular market. My client, Best Western, does post things on their Facebook and Pinterest pages that are family friendly, but none specifically for moms. I think that since Best Western is a hotel, and in many cases the moms plan the family vacations, it would be beneficial to specifically target moms. They could post trivia questions specifically for moms, do contest, or many other creative attention getting promotion tactics. Best Western could make a board on Pinterest titled ‘Family Fun’ and pin family friendly vacation spots that are close to Best Western locations. That would give moms ideas of places to visit on vacation. Best Western could even possibly try to partner with some of the attractions they pin, giving discounts at the attractions to families who are staying at the Best Western hotel.  

4 thoughts on “Moms & Social Media

  1. Lauren,
    I was not surprised either to learn that moms are constantly utilizing social media. Although a mom’s workload is heavy, I think social media is an escape. It is their “fun time,” which is probably why moms are always hooked to their social media accounts. Also, I love your ideas for Best Western specifically the Family Fun Pinterest board! As you said, if Best Western could offer discounts to surrounding attractions or even to the hotel, moms would be one of the company’s top customers. Wonderful post!

    -Bree Haggard

  2. Pingback: Comments – Moms And Social Media | Bree Haggard, PRCA

  3. As soon as I read this article, I thought of my aunt who has two children, age 3 and 5. Every time I log on to Facebook, she is online whether she’s posting pictures or commenting on mine. I think it would be smart to have companies targeting moms like her using social media because if thats where customers are- that’s where they need to be to!

  4. I agree with you a ton. I cannot count the times that I look at my Facebook news feed and wonder the exact same thing, I would assume the raising of a child probably takes precedence over getting more lives for candy crush however, I could be wrong.

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